I designed this blog to embody who
I am as a person. The most noticeable thing at first glance is likely the
background image depicting a bright, blank, television screen, old leather
armchair, and various hung pictures. I’ve always been thoroughly fascinated
with the intricate, vintage, and peculiar. This image is an artful depiction of
curiosity with the old, symbolizing a rooted, but not intense background in the
past that defines my actions even now. The
next most noticeable thing is likely the title. While it seems less than
professional in some regards, it really is a defining picture of what this blog
is about. Rather than the usual use of YOLO, I personally use it as
justification to further challenge myself. For what is living if one is simply
complacent with their situation? It was, subconsciously a major reason for
taking this class. I use the phrase often enough— Why not relate it to English?
At the top is an interactive fish gadget (click away) that symbolizes the
multifaceted nature of myself that I have come to love. Some of those facets
are more hidden than others, as are the fish. I am not a person of one passion.
I have more passions than time to follow them. The translator gadget symbolizes
my multicultural background and upbringing, while the Wikipedia gadget at the
bottom represents my love of knowledge and self-discovery. If you’re ever
confused or intrigued by anything on the blog, I’ve added avenues for personal
research for your convenience.
In terms of
color choices, the striking white on black background was chosen to both
“ensure readability” and give a “modern look and feel.” The white font also
gives a sense of tranquility and creates a “sense of space.” It allows me to
create a sense of peace in the blog that welcomes readers. The indigo-pink
link text adds to this sense of calmness. Furthermore, I wanted to give an
impression of myself with the typography. The title is in a warm font while the
body text is more formal and readable. Similarly, I want to embody myself as
someone inviting and personable, while conveying a deeper sense of knowledge
and personality beneath the surface.
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